Thursday, 11 March 2010

"What can we do against such reckless hate?"

Last week I spent several hours researching hostility against Christians in western countries. It is not a pleasant subject. Two things in particular concern me. One is the hatred that emerges, the other Christians’ blindness (I will write on the second later this week). The hatred that is aimed at Christians who stand for traditional Christian values is worrying and we see in this the successful result of a strategy to intimidate and enforce intolerant values against Christians. We must realise that many changes in society are not accidents but the result of orchestrated campaigns, campaigns which have a goal of misrepresenting Christians, re-branding them as bigots, fundamentalists etc even as they themselves are the victims of hatred and abuse, verbal and physical violence. At Ephesus we have a specific goal of not trading on fear - this is not my point in writing. My point is to ask, “what do we do against such hatred”?

I asked God about this on the train yesterday and was reminded of a line from “The Lord of the Rings”, when the king of Rohan asks something similar “what can man do against such reckless hate?” The hatred of others alarms me, not only for what it means for Christians but because we know that the more society pushes Christ away the more it will suffer – in this sense it is truly reckless. How do we stand against it? Given this line I watched to hear Aragorn’s response. He says “ride out with me, ride out to meet them”. A simple response, but it is a bold one. Not foolish bravado, but an awakening of something great. The odds are heavily against them, but this is a king in waiting that will fight and not cower as he steps towards his destiny. Gimli then notes the sun rising, reminding Aragorn of Gandalf’s words “look to my coming” a promise of help to be fulfilled at this time. I do not equate Gandalf with Christ, but is this not a wonderful reminder that as we advance for Christ against hatred and evil, that He is with us?

Matthew 10:21 is instructive to us here: "When people realize it is the living God you are presenting and not some idol that makes them feel good, they are going to turn on you, even people in your own family. There is a great irony here: proclaiming so much love, experiencing so much hate! But don't quit. Don't cave in. It is all well worth it in the end. It is not success you are after in such times but survival. Be survivors! Before you've run out of options, the Son of Man will have arrive” (Mat 10:21) (The Message)

The Son does rise over us, but not if we sit on our hands unwilling to advance. While we have Christ we have hope. While we have Christ we have power. Never forget the battle is against the spirit of this world and fight, fight with all our might. Do not be content to let people coast through this life. Do not let people live unloved and unmoved by Christ. How do we deal with hatred? We show the greater way. We show love. Love manifests in the miracles of service and self-sacrifice, healing and friendship, deliverance and help in need. Do not get caught in arguments of doctrine if you cannot first point to Christ, in your works and in your faith. Let us like Aragorn see our destiny, see our potential in Christ and step out against hatred and meet it with love.

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